Saturday, June 28, 2008

Finding Passion - Lacking Focus

Lacking focus. I am truly in a place where there is too much going on in my life, and much of it is not my desire. I also am reading everything I come across to find the "answer" to MY life, universe and everything. They all seem like very good ideas, but they all tell me to find my passion first. That will lead the way.

Passion. Where has it gone? What was it before? What can it be now? I think I've been working so hard at my day job that I have truly lost what inspires me, makes me tick, stirs up my passion. I also have issues at home and work on my husband's company that has drained me of the energy to get fired up about anything. It's not really depression, I've had that many years ago, it's realy just massive frustration, and lack of patience. All of this stress really does block my connection to my passion.

I listened to a teleconference the other night that was different than some of the other business teleconferences that I listen to. It was called "THE ONE SIMPLE PRACTICE, THE ONE SEMINAR, AND THE FIVE BOOKS THAT CHANGED MY LIFE - Part One" by Marc Allen .

It started out with a meditation that took me from a stressed week at work, to a place of being open to new ideas. It was so relaxing, and I felt completely refreshed and ready to listen. I realized that my life is so frenetic, that I just needed to be taken to a peaceful place to stop, relax, and listen.

I'm trying to see how to do more of this to help me line out my days and my direction and my focus. I have many meditation tapes, and I use my iPod and free meditation podcasts quite often. I suppose they don't work if I'm doing 5 other things at the same time while listening to them. Whew! Not exactly what they're intended for.

I plan on doing 20 minutes of meditation everyday to see how that affects me, my direction, and most importantly my passion.

Post a response if you want to get a list of some of the meditation tapes and podcasts that I listen to.